The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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\[ \]00\; GANTT2 Demonstration, HITT Personal Software.
║ Welcome to GANTT.. Around 1910 Henry L. Gantt defined a set of ║
║ charts to graphically display schedule status to management. ║
║ Gantt's charts are still a standard in industry and government. ║
║ Pictures are worth a thousand words and with modern computers ║
║ they can be brought to you at electronic speeds. You will see: ║
║ - The Original Plan. ║
║ - The Actual progress toward the plan as it is executed. ║
║ - Current projections for the remainder of the plan ║
║ - Problem areas like critical paths and overdue activities. ║
║ - Trends which may need attention. ║
\L0260\D║ Gantt charts put time on the horizontal axis. ║
\L0400\D║ Activities are listed ║
\L0480\D║ on the vertical axis. ║
\L0745\D║ \L0770\D ║
\L0825\D║ \L0850\D ║
\L0905\D║ Activities are displayed as bars between the ║
\L0985\D║ starting and ending dates. Two bars can be used ║
\L1065\D║ to display the original and current plan. ║
\[\0A\0P\,\]\; Select the second job
\L0920\D║ It all starts with a schedule. ║
\L1000\D║ A list of activities with dates. ║
\L0915\D║ Gantt chart displays are created from ║
\L0995\D║ the schedule. This display is a set of ║
\L1075\D║ activities called a Job. ║
║ There can be many sets of activities ║
║ (Jobs). They can be individually ║
║ selected for viewing. ║
║ When all the Jobs are considered together ║
║ it is called a Project. This Project Gantt ║
║ summarizes all the activities for each job ║
║ into a line pair. ║
║║ To zero in on areas of interest you can use ║
║║ the scale (zoom) and cursor (windowing) ║
║║ controls from the keyboard or mouse. ║
╚║ Watch this: ║
║ You can zoom from minutes to years. ║
\L0918\D║ This is the same chart with a ║
\L0998\D║ scale of 4 years per division. ║
║ For trend analyses, planned vs actual ║
║ job completions can be plotted. ║
\L0920\D║ Online help ║
\L1000\D║ is available.║
\L0920\D║ This is Help ║
\L1000\D║ for the F2 key. ║
\L0920\D║ The F3 Key ║
\L0920\D║ Another ║
\L1000\D║ example. ║
\L0918\D║ Here the demonstration ends. ║
\L0998\D║ Thank you for your interest. ║